
We do the work. You do the Yoga. It's that easy.

Your Yoga Program

Is managed by At Work Yoga from start to finish.

Our personalised service includes workplace assessment, promotional materials, organising student enrolments and payments.

You can choose to book a term of yoga classes, a single yoga class or a workshop.

We run classes for yoga asana (movement), meditation, pranayama (breathing) and mindfulness. Choose a mix or focus in on one branch of practice.

Term(s) of yoga classes

An 10-week term in your workplace (for example).
Starts from $150 per class for a small class in Melb CBD & surrounds.

You get the same friendly and skilled teacher every week. Our yoga teachers are highly-trained, experienced and fully insured.

Single yoga class or workshop

Not sure whether to book a full term or not? Why not trial a class? Book a One-off class or workshop in your workplace

Starts from $160

Programs we offer

Yoga at your desk - a range of movements suitable to do at your desk or standing desk. You don’t need exercise gear. Helps break up the periods of immobility throughout the day, gives you a brain and body refresh.

Team Building - can be a fun different approach to building team interactions.

Event Classes and Presentations
- specilised classes or presentations for events.

Specialist Programs or Courses - tailored programs for your business. If you have for example specific movement restrictions in your workplace or unique staff or industry wellbeing concerns we can build out an approach specific to your wellbeing goals.

We are happy to tailor classes, talks or courses to any topic or theme.

Online Classes

We offer a range of online sessions.

We can bring online classes to your team, workplace or event.
Got a projector or large screen? A computer? You’re set.

See the classes we are already running for more ideas.

How do we get started?

Get in touch with us. We’ll arrange to meet you in your workplace, decide where you can hold your classes and organise how the program will run.

Next we’ll promote the classes to your employees with posters for tea rooms and foyers, flyers for reception desks, a dedicated page on our website, and emails for mass distribution.

Don’t worry about answering questions, enrolling students or taking payments – we do all of that.

We can liase with your building management team to book rooms for classes.

If your yoga program is funded by your company, we’ll work out the payment with your finance team. Or, if the classes are paid for by individual employees, we’ll arrange their payments.

Contact us to bring yoga to your workplace.

Class Terms

Choose as many terms in the year as you wish.
Most of our clients run terms back to back from mid/end January up to mid December.
Most terms run from 10-13 weeks.

Let's have a chat about what will work best for your workplace.

Health Fund Rebates

Students with yoga listed by their health funds can receive rebates for their yoga classes. All you need is a receipt from us.